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Monday, January 31, 2011

My Chinese Name

My chinese name is 裴晟翔. I have no idea what what was the significance of my chinese name, but I will still try to figure out.
When I was young, my mother told me that she got my name after seeking advice from geomancer. I was very surprised that she spent her money just to get me a good name. From the pronounciation, 晟 sounds as " sheng", in chinese it means victory. I guess my parents probably want me to be successful and to try my very best and gain victory in life when i grow up.
Their is a chinese phrase callled 飞翔, which means soar and fly in the air. I guess my parents want me to held my head up high in life. She also hopes that I could actually be a successful man and push my limtis to the end.
Overall, I guess that my parents wants me to be successful in life and to held my head high. She hopes that I could achieve commendable results and a bright future.

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