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Sunday, February 6, 2011

My favourite fictional character

My favourite fictional character is Spider-man. I get to know this character from the movie Spider-man. In my opinion, he is my favourite fictional character as he is a hero. He saves people and does not ask for repay. I also like his costume alot, with a spider in the middle of the red-stripe costume. I also like his personality alot, when he is determined to save people and sometimes a bit of humorous.
Spider-man is memorable to me due to the scene in the movie. There's a scene where he transform into Spider-man in the first movie. It was exciting and really cool where he grows spikes in his hands and climb the wall bit by bit. It is also interesting and funny where he wins an unexpected fight at the canteen with his "spider-sense".
In conclusion, Spider-man is my favourite fictional character due to the fact that he is a hero with great fighting skills and reflexes, and he made himself memorable to me in the scene of him transforming into Spider-man.

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