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Friday, February 11, 2011

Traits of Scout Jem

After our discussion, we found out that Scout actually is able to tolerate and withstand a lot of pressure. It can be seen from a few incidents and evidence that we discussed during the discussion. She did not submit to violence or other violent solutions easily unless she gets really provoked like the case of Scout and Francis. Scout would normally keep the troubles and things she encountered to herself and only share them with her own family members and no strangers.

We also realised that Scout does not act rashly like Jem, as she tolerated and ponder about the consequences first before she actually continue her next course of actions. Judging from the fact that Scout normally showed tolerance in her actions, we could also derived that she is not one to be provoked easily and I believed she does not provoke other people also. Last but not least, we could see that Scout has a very calm state of mind and is able to think critically before acting.

The link to our google docs is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t8M5-JW-MLUBN8aPlZ1VUECy-b2pQykPqDI8IPbGdRY/edit?hl=en&pli=1#

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