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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My favourite character in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

My favourite character in To Kill a Mockingbird is Scout. She is very engaging in the story and I really like her direct and straight personality. She expressed herself very directly and is very straightforward. She makes the story clear and direct too. One of the examples is when she hates the Cunningham to dine with her family and she expresses herself by being very hot-tempered until she was calmed down by her baby-sitter.
Another example is when she does not like to study in school because she can’t be taught to read by her father. She expressed it straight by telling her father so.
Scout’s also appealing to me as she is the one narrating the story at the start and it left a memory on me. In conclusion, Scout is my favourite character as I liked her straightforward personality.

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