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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reflective writing on Camp-Steel

On the 21st Feb and 22nd Feb, i went for a camp called Camp called Camp Steel. The camp’s aim is to train us physically and mentally to be real cadets and to overcome our fear of height. To be frank, I admit that I myself was afraid of height. However, I managed to conquer my fear of height after I went through the camp.

One of the activities that I benefited is called “High Confidence”. There are ropes, logs and tyres at the 4th storey. We are supposed to climb all the way up and either walk on the log that is 4th storey high, or walk on the tyres that’s also 4th storey high.

When I climb the way up, my heart was actually palpitating. I tried to calm myself down. My legs turned jelly when I looked down from such a great height. At first, I wanted to give up. However, I gave myself a chance to challenge myself and prove me wrong that I could clear the obstacle as well as my fear of height. I took a deep breath and stable myself as I walked on the log. All went well and in the end, I succeeded.

When I went down, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. Now, when I looked back, I realised that I really benefited a lot from that activity as it not only teach me to overcome my fears, it also taught me to persevere and never give up.

Another activity that I went through is rappelling. It was a very fun and interesting activity and I also managed to take away lessons from that activity. When I was walking down the wall, I actually was very calm as I had already managed to overcome my fear during the “High Confidence”. However, I released the rope too fast and as such, I nearly cause myself to knock against the wall. My heart skipped a beat when my harness caused a jerk and I lost my balance. From this experience, I learnt to do things one by one at a time and not to rush them. The more we wanted to rush and take shortcuts, the worse the consequences we are going to get.

Overall, I gained a lot of valuable lessons in this camp that I would never ever forget. Not only did I gain the lessons I mentioned above, I also learnt to be more sociable when I mixed around with other schools in the same platoon. I also get to step out of my comfort zone as the facilities there are not as comfortable and clean as those in our home. I enjoyed myself during the camp and I look forward to another camp at HQ if there is.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for having learnt so much in a short 2 day-1 night camp. Actually, I have also gone through what you have stated when I was Primary 5 and had a school camp. Though my camp was a lot different than yours, I also had to go through the obstacles similar as to what you have stated. For the log walking, the log that I needed to walk across was very scary as it would move side to side when one walks on it. Even when I know that I am safe with the harness preventing my fall all the way down to the ground, I am still very afraid of losing my balance and/or falling off the log. In the end, I have also completed it. It taught me to have courage in whatever we do and never be afraid of anything that comes our way. For the rappelling event, I did something like a 2-in-1 as I needed to climb a rock wall before needing to rappel myself back to the ground. Sadly, I did not finish the climbing of the rock wall as I lost my balance and was out of energy. I rushed too much in the beginning and that caused me to not be able to climb higher to reach the highest point of the rock wall. It taught me that I needed to take it easy sometimes and not to be to tensed up always as it may usually lead to my downfall. Due to the fact that you missed lessons during those 2 days, you needed to catch up quite a lot. I wish you good luck in your studies and your never ending camps to come. :)
