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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A scene from the movie "Spider-man"

My favourite movie is Spider-man. The following scene describe the setting of him in a laboratory that research and collect unique species of spiders.

The laboratory is packed like sardines. It is filled with different types of spiders and ranges from colour to patterns to habits to habitats. The researchers and doctors, dressed in white spot-clean uniform are busy explaining and describing the spiders to the visitors. The latter, in turn, are listening attentively as they are fascinated by all the different types and rare species of spiders.
The whole laboratory is split up to 10 main sections, each occupy by spiders with same characteristics. The transparent and clean tanks are inhabited by spiders that are building their own web. At the wall, there's a huge "Strictly No Consuming of Food or Drinks Allowed" sticker. Visitors are flashing their cameras around. There are huge boards everywhere that described in detail every single spider in the laboratory.
However, as everyone were busy taking photos and understanding the knowledge, there is one red-blue spider hanging on the top right ceiling. It's spinning its web, searching for its target...

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