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Friday, February 25, 2011

In -Class Online Lesson #4

2) The lamppost's lights shone on the dark red badminton court. The trees sway according to the wind, while those dark brown leaves on the ground drifted across the court. There were no players in the court, and the court looked exceptionally lonely. Beside the court, there was a chair, waiting for people to sit on them.

4) The trees sway according to the wind, while those brown leaves on the ground drifted across the court. Beside the court, there was a chair waiting for people to sit on them, and it was not like a child waiting for Christmas.

6) There was a chair beside the court, like the only hurricane survival in the wild storm. The wind swayed the trees, and the badminton court was filled with eerie of silence.

7) The red badminton court stood out from the rest, especially under special attention by the lamppost’s lights. Brown leaves drifted across the ground as there were no occupying players on the court. The court looks lonely, as if a child waiting for Christmas.
Beside the court stood a grey chair, like a hurricane survivor waiting from response and attention of people, a fatigued person searching for rest perhaps. The wind swayed across the grass blades and the trees, and it felt exhilarating and refreshed.
There was not a single soul in sight. The whole badminton court sends a cold feeling down my body as waves of wind ruffled the tree leaves like a boy with green-dyed hair. The atmosphere was moody and I felt alone at this isolated badminton court.

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