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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reflections on Question 2

Question 2)

Disclaimer: I have never been in this situation, all of the following is pure fiction and its pure imagination.

When I was in Secondary 1, I joined a project group that consist of Tom, Jerry, Akiru and me. We worked very well among each other, with an exception of Akiru. Akiru is a brilliant boy with sparkling eyes and pointed nose. He came from Japan and he was being disliked by most of us due to the fact that he came from Japan. After we studied WW2, Tom and Jerry began to treat Akiru unfairly as they felt that his country has conquered Singapore and he don't deserve to work with Singaporeans. Upon seeing the treatment that Akiru received, I felt pitiful for him but at the same time, I can't disagree with the fact that Akiru came from the country that conquer and torture the lives of Singaporeans.

Tom and Jerry began to isolate him and called him names like “The Beast”, “The Betrayer" etc. They even shouted vulgarities at him, especially after History lesson. I saw every single unfair treatment with my own eyes and I chose to close an eye upon it. In the end, our project group did quite badly due to the fact that we had “one less member”. However, Tom and Jerry pushed all the blame to Akiru.

Now, whenever I saw Akiru along the corridors, I would feel very sorry and embarrassed for not doing anything to prevent Tom and Jerry from disturbing him. If I had a chance to turn back time, I would definitely stop all those nonsense and get everyone together to produce a better project work.

Yours sincerely,
Sheng Xiang

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