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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today, we go through a handout of reflective writing and I'm trying to apply what I have learnt in the lesson in this blogpost by reflecting on what I have learnt.

Today, I learnt about reflective writing and how to go about it. As I listen to Mr Lundberg's teaching, I felt that that reflective writing, in short, in actually your own experience, feelings and chain of thoughts. I felt that throughout this lesson, I understand more about reflective writing and even some tips or guidelines for us.

I disagree with Mr Lundberg when he said that the government did not actually ponder about their own mistakes. I believe everyone makes mistakes but the real leaders should actually take a further step to think about their mistakes, why they commit it and how to improve it. The government actually do reflect upon their mistakes, just that we do not see it in public. Through experiences, the government know their mistakes and try to amend it by organising more flawless activities. Do you actually realise that every year's activities and events are better than the previous? Why? It's because the governement actually ponder and not commit the same mistakes again!

For me, I reflect on my actions frequently, just that I do not know the proper way to pen down my thoughts and reflect upon myself. But, today I learnt how to write a piece of reflective writing and I believe it's going to help me in the future or even now. I felt that reflective writing is actually not as hard as i thought, as long as you put in some effort and your opinions in it, anyone could come up with a piece of reflective writing.

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