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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Favourite memory of Chinese New Year

Every year when Chinese New Year is around the corner, i would felt excited. I get to wear new clothes and recieve money. I had alot of favourite memory of Chinese New Year, in terms of the five senses.

Sense of sight
My favourite memory is when I saw my relatives and cousins gathering around. The scene is rare as I was usually held up by school activities and exams. It was very rare to meet up with my cousins, and it was glad to see them all during Chinese New Year.

Sense of smell
My favourite memory is when I smell the fragrance of my grandmother's handmade-cookies. Every year without fail, my grandmother would certainly handmade delicious cookies for us to eat during Chinese New Year. It was sumptious and I like the fragrance especially.

Sense of taste
My favourite memory is when i taste all the different snacks available at my relatives house. They would prepare an array of candies and snacks and it was very delicious.

Sense of hearing
My favourite memory is when I hear the firecrackers cracking. Although it was loud, but I enjoyed hearing it as it symbolises the arrival of a new year and brand new start for me.

Sense of touch
My favourite memory is when i calculated and touch the money given by my aunties and uncles. It means that I had more money to scrimp and save for the rest of my year. I could also used these money for my future spendings too.

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