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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big Fish's answers

1) The phrase " a big fish in a small pond " means that the habitat for the fish is too small and it probably suggests that the fish is too mighty and powerful compared to the other normal fishes in the " small " pond.
2) The purpose of the tale is to the audience in the wedding that the only way to attract or date a woman is to offer her a wedding ring and marry her.
3) As a boy, William Bloom feels that the tale is very interesting and it caused him to feel more and more curious about " The Beast " and wants to catch it. However, as he grows older, he felt that the tale is getting boring and he is feeling ashamed as he does not believe in the tale anymore when he grows more matured. He also feels that his father is showing off and embarassing himself.
4) Edward Bloom wanted to illustrate to everyone how he manage to date his wife at that time.
5) The tale reveals that the relationship between Edward and William Bloom is very close when they were young but it slowly became distant and far when they get older.
6) Fiction story. It catches the audience's attention and makes it sounds more fascinating and interesting.
7) No, bending or exaggerating the truth of a story does not undercut the believability of a story. A tall tale is as valid as a straight reportage of facts. An exaggerated story can still manage to catch the attention of the audiences, if not more, as compared to a straight reportage. Even though people do not believe the exaggerated story, some of them still treat it as a myth like the audiences at Edward's wedding.

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