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Friday, July 8, 2011

What if there were gender imbalance?

What will be the effect on Asian society by such a large gender imbalance if this trend continues?

The effect on the Asian society will be very dire, and some of them include the lack of usage on some of the facilities, lower birth rates and loss of talent.

First of all, the Asian society will have lower birth rate. This is because there are more male than female, resulting in some males not having a wife. Therefore, there will be lower birth rate in Asian society. Andrew Mason, a professor of economics at the University of Hawaii stated that “Japan is now the oldest population in the world, but others are catching up.” The reasons others are snapping at Japan’s heels for the dubious title are not only improved living and health conditions but rapidly declining birth rates. Mason notes that Singapore “has reached 1.2 births per woman … (and) South Korea has the lowest fertility rate in the world – slightly less than 1.1 births per woman.” Mason adds that China may not be far behind, already boasting an anemic birth rate of 1.6, and “it will soon begin to experience rapid aging … just how rapid is unknown and will depend in part on how quickly China moves to relax the one-child policy.” Thus, it proved that the birth rates of Asian countries are slowly decreasing. Therefore, with a large gender imbalance, it will make matters worse and brought about the decrease of birth rate.

Secondly, there will also be a lack of talent if the trend continues. Due to the limited amount of brides in the Asian society, some of the citizens might even consider to migrate to other countries to seek for more brides. Also, as stated above, there might even be lower birth rate. These factors will cause loss of manpower and even talents that could help Asian society to prosper. A recent article had stated that “Employers in Taiwan and India are the most concerned in Asia about the exodus of qualified workers from their homelands to work in other countries. The global poll of 28,000 bosses showed that 64 percent of employers in Taiwan and 57 percent in India were among the “most concerned,” putting them fourth and fifth in the country rankings.” Thus, it showed that the more citizens were moving to other countries and that might cause a loss of talent.

Last but not least, there will be a lack of usage on some of the facilities. Since mostly men work to earn money in order to support their family or parents, the female are the ones usually utilising facilities such as the parks, shopping centres as they have more free time. However, with lesser female, there will be less utilising and even affect the business profit. For example, a recent article has revealed that one of the problems faced in Asia is the under-utilization of facilities. We tend to build more than we need, and with declining birth rate plus loss of citizens to other countries, the facilities will be left to no use. Thus, there will be a lack of usage on some of the facilities.

In conclusion, if the gender imbalance trend continues, this will cause declining birth rates, which will eventually also brought about loss of talents and under-utilization of facilities.

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