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Monday, July 11, 2011

Online Lesson 10


The link above talks about the financial issues faced all over the world from 2007 to 2008. This is similar to that of Merchant of Venice, where Antonio owed Shylock a heavy sum of money. They both faced financial issues and the theme is similar.

The link above talks about the religious conflict in Jakarta. They are being prejudiced and the theme is present too in Merchant of Venice, where the Christian prejudiced against the Jews.


Tom sauntered down the alley with heavy steps. He was looking like he had lost all seems of hope as he muttered to himself, “Man, I’m in for some deep trouble…” . He was sighing in despair, when these three sturdy and “elephant-size” men approached him. They had dragon tattoos all over their body and one of them, probably the leader, holds on to a baseball bat. Tom stopped abruptly, and started to sprint off in the opposite direction as soon as he recovered from his senses.

“ Hey you brat, stop there !” The men chased after Tom and caught him within seconds. Tom struggled from the strong grip of the men, but to no avail. “ You think you can escape? Well, let me tell you, it’s a fact that you cannot escape from us, the truth is as hard as the fact that your father is a Jew !” The leader exclaimed, and whacked Tom with the baseball bat. Tom groaned, as blood was seen gushing out profusely from his wound.

Tom was near his tears. “I will help me father, pay back the money, I promised !” The men looked at each other and started to laugh. They stared at Tom, and if looks can kill, Tom would have withered there and then. “We all trust you Tom, because we believe even a man form the street can pay $1000 easily. But don’t you forget, your father is a Jew, and that certainly deserves some special treatment. I won’t increase the price by too much, just pay me 1 billion, and I will let you and your father off!” The men gave a last kick on Tom’s stomach, and walked off while laughing sarcastically. Tom muttered to himself, “ A Jew owed a Christian money, who in the world could be worse than me?” …

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