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Friday, July 22, 2011

Private commercial space travel

I think that the private commercial space travel is a bad idea. This was because it could cause a lot of havoc if the security is not strict, and it is also a waste of resources.

The private commercial space actually allows anybody to go to space as long as they have the money to purchase the ticket. Therefore, it would be dangerous if some of the people went to space with a negative mindset and goal. For example, a spy from a certain country could go to space, disguised as a normal passenger, and find out exactly where the enemy’s satellite are located, and maybe even sacrifice himself to destroy the satellite. The passengers might also pollute the outer space, just like how they polluted Earth with all those rubbish. Therefore, the purpose of a trip to the space can be different according to different people, some with good intentions while others bad. This will definitely create havoc and chaos.

Also, the private commercial space travel is wasting the resources. By right, the spaceship is to send astronauts to space to input satellites, research about other planets and how to improve people’s life. However, the passengers now are actually wasting the resources when they just flew to the space and have a look, without much of a help when it comes to improving people’s lives and the research, observation done. Thus, a lot of money and resources is wasted.

However, the private commercial space can actually help to broaden one’s knowledge about space, especially when they see it for themselves. However, the broadening of one’s knowledge could also be achieved through online research and reading. The waster of limited resources and the possibility of havoc is of a more dire situation. Thus, the private commercial space travel is a bad idea.

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