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Monday, July 18, 2011

Based on Bassanio's arguments, will you lend him money?

Based on Bassanio’s argument, I would have loan Bassanio the money. This was because based on Bassanio’s argument, he would have returned the loan without fail and because of his use on the money too. He had also explained to me his situation, and I would have help him without fail.

Bassanio gave the example of losing his shafts, where he shoot another and got back both. This always happens to him, and it illustrates that I would get back both my sum of money, represented by arrows. Thus, based on this childhood proof, I would loan Bassanio the money as he would have return both my sums of money, like how he found both arrows when he was young.

Bassanio had also explained his purpose of loaning the sum of money- to suit Portia, a very rich lady. If sum of money I lent Bassanio will aid in helping Bassanio suit Portia, no doubt I would get my loan back and probably even more, out of gratitude from Bassanio, as Portia would have afford that effortlessly.

Last but not least, Bassanio had already admit his mistake, that he was a spend thrift. It had probably dawn on him that he was wasting unnecessary sum of money as he had probably knew his mistakes. He had even turned over a new leaf, forced to become thrifty. Thus, it had probably suggests that Bassanio was serious this time round and I would help him, in assisting him in suiting Portia.

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