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Saturday, July 2, 2011

What if humans had no optimism?

The world would be different if human beings were not inherently optimistic as humans would tend to give up easily. They would have less resilience when faced with challenges. They would also not get to learn anything if they remain pessimistic. Last but not least, it will bring about the downfall of the society.

If human were not inherently optimistic, they will tend to give up easily and have less resilience when faced with challenges. They will have the mindset that everything is going on their way and they are not going to accomplish anything. For example, there were many people that display optimism during the Japanese earthquake. They strongly believe that their loved ones will be found by the workers and helpers. This applied the same to those that help to save victims form the rubble. They possess this positive mindset that they are going to find surviving victims every single day. However, if they had become pessimistic, the family members would just give up hope and assumed their loved ones to be dead. The workers and helpers might even stop working as they find no point in continue seeking for survivors when they had the pessimistic mindset that nobody could have survived the earthquake. Thus, pessimism mindset brings about failure in humans and causes them to give up easily.

Humans will also not get to learn anything if they remain pessimistic. They will give up easily and not willing to proceed. For example, Thomas Edison had failed 1000 times before successfully inventing the light bulb. He remained optimistic throughout the 1000 experiment and eventually he succeeded. Thus, it showed that if humans were not inherently optimistic, they would give up after failing and never pick themselves up. However, if they did, they will get to learn from their mistakes and improve, just like how Thomas Edison got his experience and learning from the 1000 experiments. Therefore, the pessimistic mindset will let humans not learn anything after giving up and let things be itself.

Last but not least, the pessimistic mindset will bring about downfall of the society. Imagine if all the humans in the society have this pessimistic mindset, and give up easily, the society will have no leaders to lead the society and bring it to greater heights. There will also be no people in the society to be positive about the society’s future and lift the standards of the society. Thus, with the people’s pessimistic mindset, they will give up after they fail and no body to lead the society that Is bound to have a downfall.

In conclusion, the world would be different if human beings were not inherently optimistic as humans would tend to give up easily. They would have less resilience when faced with challenges. When that happens, the people will not learn anything, and eventually bring about the downfall of the society.

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