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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shakespeare Expository Essay

Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock leads me to conclude that Shakespeare himself was anti-Semitic. This was because Shakespeare portrays Shylock as a Jew with viciously negative character, describing and comparing him to a Devil. He also portrays Shylock as a typical racist Jew that hates the Christians. Lastly, Shakespeare had also described and portrayed Shylock as one with immoral values.

Shakespeare portrayal of Shylock leads me to conclude that he himself was also anti-Semitic. This was because in one of the scenes, Shylock was being compared to the Devil, and seen as a horrible person that made use of biblical reference, which is supposed to be holy and contains wise words from the Christ, to justify and make his ugly thoughts and acts seem reasonable. This was supported in Act 1, Scene 3, Line 95, where it says, “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose”. It meant that Shylock, who was being compared and described as the Devil, was being a hypocrite as he tried to made use of the Bible, replaced by the word “Scripture”, to cover his evil deeds. He also used the holy reference to hide away his wicked thoughts, such as cutting off Antonio’s flesh in revenge for the unfair treatment towards him. Thus, Shakespeare is being an anti-Semitic by describing Shylock as a Devil, possessing the evil thoughts and being hypocrite, by misinterpreting the holy Bible to render his immoral acts reasonable.

Shakespeare had also portrayed Shylock to be a very racist Jew that hated the Christian. Shylock had insulted the Christian (Antonio), with strong powerful words and were being very rude and mean to Antonio. This was supported in Act 1, Scene 3, Line 37 – 39, where it says, “How like a fawning publican he looks. I hate him for he is a Christian; But more, for that in low simplicity”. It meant that Shylock was actually comparing Antonio to a publican, who is a farmer of the taxes and public revenues. As tax collectors, they are usually oppressive in executing and had gained great detestation from the public. Thus, Shylock is actually insulting Antonio to be a mean character, similar to that of a tax collector. He had also expressed his own feelings straight away, stating that he hates Christian, which was prejudice and was immorally wrong. He had also described Antonio to be in low simplicity, to be foolish enough for his straight-dealing. In Act 1, Scene 3, Line 42-43, the passage stated that, “If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him”. Thus, this further explains the absence of moral values from Shylock as he was petty and grumbled upon little things, trying to revenge and make a mountain out of a mole hill. Thus, Shakespeare portrayed Shylock to be a character with a lot of inappropriate moral values, such as rude, nasty, petty, and therefore I can conclude that Shakespeare is being an anti-Semitic by describing such an ugly side of Shylock, a Jew.

Last but not least, Shakespeare portrayed Shylock as one with immoral values. He talked behind people back and only criticised on their negative side, but never praise their virtues. For example, in Act Two, Scene 5, Line 45 to 47, the passage stated,” The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder, Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day. More than the wild-cat. Drones hive not with me; “ In this 3 lines, Shylock is actually criticising Launcelot, who apparently is not with them, as a servant who eats a lot. He also insulted Launcelot when he stated that Launcelot was a fool who were inefficient in his work. Thus, it showed that Shylock was mean and had no manners as he talked bad behind others’ back. Shylock also tend to use despicable methods to get his goal, and does not care about other people’s feelings. In Act 1, Scene 3, Line 169, the passage stated, “ And I will go and purse the ducats straight,” However, earlier, Shylock mentioned that he had told Antonio that the money is to be borrowed from Tubal. Thus, it was evident that Shylock was lying about the need to borrow money from Tubal so as to make the transaction appear more difficult than it actually was. As we can see, Shylock was portrayed as an evil person with wrong values, such as lying and being rude. Therefore, I can conclude that Shakespeare was anti-Semitic by portraying Shylock, a Jew, as someone with no manners and lack of virtues.

In conclusion, I can conclude that Shakespeare is anti-Semitic as he portrayed Shylock, who is a Jew, as a mean person that had no manners and lack of all the virtues. Shakespeare also compared him to a Devil, and even being racist and prejudice against the Christian. All in all, Shakespeare portrayed Shylock as someone who is comparable to a Devil, someone who was wicked to the core, and from all these negative portrayal, we can conclude that Shakespeare prejudiced against the Jews and was therefore, anti-Semitic.


After doing this expository essay, I realised that I have understand more about Merchant of Venice and also a further analysis of Shakespeare's language. After close readings of the word choice by Shakespeare, I had therefore concluded that Shakespeare himself is anti-Semitic too due to his insulting words that described Shylock.

This expository essay is really efficient in forcing us to make a detailed analysis to the passage, and therefore, further understand the passage. For example, before this assignment, i was only aware of the character’s feelings and characteristics in the passage, however, after the assignment, I had even understood Shakespeare’s characteristic through his description of characters.

Because of this assignment, I had also read up on the term anti-Semitic and ways to reveal that you yourself are anti-Semitic. I had also learnt a bit of background and history of the anti-Semitic that was present in Venice.

Thus, from this assignment, I had gained much new knowledge. Through my friend’s comments on my passage, I had also gotten a lot of advices on my writing style and also my language use. Overall, this assignment is really beneficial to me, as I had understand more about the passages in Merchant of Venice, and also my own writing style and language use.

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