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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Casey Anthony

I think that the public should show mercy by accepting the court decision and leaving her alone. This is because the court had already proven her not guilty and we should give her a chance to turn over a new leaf, and let her repent herself if she had really killed her daughter.
The public should really give her a chance. Regardless of the fact that whether Casey Anthony had killed her daughter, I bet she had already felt bad enough from such responses from the public, such as the “ I hate Casey Anthony” Facebook page. We should thus stop such childish behavior when we ourselves are only assuming of her crime. We should instead let Casey Anthony repent on herself, as we are in no position to criticize her.
Lastly, we should believe the court’s fair decision, as we should have faith and trust in the court’s fair judgment. Since the court is selected to handle this case, we should believe in them. Furthermore, there’s also no direct evidence to prove Casey Anthony guilty, thus we have no proof and rights to assume her crime. Therefore, we should believe in the court’s justice, supported by the lack of evidence to support her crime.

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