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Monday, April 11, 2011

Letter to the Japanese victims

Dear Takumi,

I have just recently heard of the devastating news that Japan got struck by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and a tsunami afterwards. My heart skipped a beat when I heard of the news. It was really devastating and I really hope that all will go well.

I then thought of writing this letter of encouragement to you, my dearest friend. Though in your last letter, you mentioned that your parents were not found yet, I would like to send my dearest regards to you. Continue to hang on there, and I believe, that sooner or later, you will see the glimpse of hope.

Please continue to fight for yourself and maintain optimistic. I would just like you to know that you still have me as a friend, whom you can seek help from. My school and other organizations have been trying their best to raise funds for the victims. Though you might not be able to accept immediately the fact that your parents might be gone, please do not be demoralized. I believe that you would still want to live on, even better than before.

From what I know, the Japanese government is also trying their best and they try to seek refuge for all the victims. Please do not be despair but instead, showing the determination that the Japanese victims all the while had been showing us. I believe that you can make it, and I believe that you should. Live on, and strive on, as your parents must have hoped that you succeed too.

All this are futile without your perseverance and determination. I, as a friend, send you my warmest regards and wish you the best for your future endeavors.

Yours Sincerely,

Sheng Xiang

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