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Monday, April 11, 2011

Experience on Project's Day

Experience of Project’s Day

Last Tuesday, my group and I went for the Project’s judging Preliminary Round. When it was our turn, I was slightly nervous, as the groups that presented before us were fantastic. What’s more, there were seniors in the same judging room, and I was afraid of embarrassing myself in front of them. However, I calmed myself down by telling myself that I can do it and trusting myself.

When we began on the first slide, the audiences and judges were very attentive, and that gave me additional boost. I also try to avoid the glances of my seniors as that will make me nervous. When it’s my turn to present, I just present it normally and naturally.

In my heart, I heaved a sigh of relief after my slides are finished. However, my heart was still palpitating over the questions that the judges might ask. To my surprise, some of the audiences understood our idea and they help us to explain our concept to the judges. What a relief! However, there were still some questions that we were unable to answer and we were told to improve on those areas.

After presenting, I realised that I had indeed improved from my Sec 1s Project’s Day Judging. When I was Sec 1s, I need a script, however, for this year, I just had to understand the concept and the words just automatically came out. I think it was a matter of experience and also effort. Therefore, I learnt from this Preliminary Round, that no matter what, we had to understand the concept ourselves and be confident in everything we said. I also took away the lesson that we should take pride in everything that we do. Last but not least, I learnt that the presence of seniors should not be a hindrance to us, but should be something to spur us to perform better in front of them.

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