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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Book recommendation

Recently, I read the book Inkspell. Earlier in my post, I introduced the book Inkheart before, and this book Inkspell is the second series to Inkheart. Personally, I enjoyed the book a lot as the book used very interesting language to describe the characters. The author’s detailed description of the setting was also very commendable.

I also liked the characteristics of every unique character, such as Mo’s ability to read characters out of the book and Dustfinger’s ability to make fire and play with it around his fingers. The plot was also very interesting with twists here and there, capturing the reader’s attention.

The book challenged my vocabulary, as the terms that they used were quite profound , especially when it comes to describing the setting. Therefore, the book also in turn broaden my vocabulary as I look up the definition of words I did not know when I came across them. If possible, I would definitely introduced it to my friends, as the book was really magnificient.

Link: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28195.Inkspell

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