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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

News in the paper

Blogpost News

Today, I read news about some young teenagers being cheated of their money. The paper reports the details of the event. According to the paper, the girls were being cheated a total of $5500 (if I’m not wrong) online. The teenagers saw an advertisement online selling IPhone at the price of $350, and buy 2 get 1 free. They thought that was a reasonable price and thus they ordered some. However, after they deposit the money, the dealer called to say that there need to be additional fees for the phone to transport from other country to Singapore. The teenagers deposit another huge sum of money blindly and in the end, realised that they got cheated.

In my opinion, I think the story was rather well described. It covers a lot of details like the sum of money and the detailed process of how the girls were being cheated. However, I think it would be better if the girls were to input their own reflections in the news. They could give simple warnings to the readers not to follow their footsteps and should be extra cautious when buying online goods next time. Overall, I think the news is very well-written and it covers all the information needed.

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