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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Measures to Racism

In my opinion, there was definitely not enough done to combat racism. People nowadays just gave the nonchalant attitude to racism, some don’t even know what is racism! Others do not even lend a hand, fearing that their safety might be in risk if they ever interfere, judging from the cruel ways that the KKK used to torture/kill the blacks. Some did help, but was not enough. They merely describe the current situation to the police, who is also prejudiced against the black, and thus it was futile after all! Therefore, there was not enough done to combat the issue of racism.

In my opinion, there wasn’t really much racism present in Singapore. This was probably due to the strict governing and also stern warning by the authorities. However, if we did witnessed racism in our daily lives, we should put a stop to it. One of the ways is to actually inform other people, most probably people with authorities, such as parents or even the teachers. We should also not continue the trend and should instill the mindset of harmony to our friends. All in all, it’s everybody’s effort to stop racism.

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