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Monday, March 28, 2011

Letter to Editor

Dear editor,

Today, I’m going to comment on what lessons that Singapore can learn from the recent Japan earthquake and tsunamis, and whether we as a nation possess what it takes to handle a similar crisis.

Personally, I think we could learn a lot from this recent incident. It proves to us how vulnerable mankind is when compared to the unpredictable nature. For example, Japan had took measures to prevent earthquake by inserting a huge wall to prevent the water from gushing it. Unfortunately, they failed and the water just pushed the whole wall down effortlessly. It shows us that we should never waste our effort in trying to prevent earthquake, but instead ways to react to earthquake. We could actually practice evacuation or even inventing a device to identify a nearby potential earthquake, the height of it etc.

Singapore, being a small dot in the world-map, has absolutely no measures to handle similar crisis. In my opinion, the earthquake will just swipe the whole island away, and the island will never come into existence anymore. As such, we could never have prepared for the aftermath, but instead how to identify the earthquake and evacuate instantaneously after we identify.

Yours Sincerely,

Sheng Xiang

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