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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today, we split into groups and have a group discussion on Urbanisation. I feel that after thie meaningful lesson, I had more understanding and knowledge of what exactly is urbanisation about. Actually, the previous lesson, when we had a quiz about urbanisation,it also helps me to understand what is urbanisation.

To conclude,I think that the activity today is fun and interesting as I can see that we had learnt something out of the group discussion.I hope that we can have more of this kind of group activities so that we can learnt from each other.

Basically, urbanisation is actually the change of a rural place/location to a more urban district.The changes can involved mainly the buildings, the pace and also the atmosphere, which is caused by the two factors listed above. In a rural place, there will probably be slums and wooden houses all around. When it's being changed to a urban place, the buildinds will probably be changed to skyscrapers, factories. There will also be vehicles like cars around too.

When you arrived at a rural place, you will most probably feel very carefree as you will be surrounded by the flowers and trees.You will also be able to enjoyed the natural beauties, like the seawater, the mountains etc.However when urbanisation arrives, the pace will become much faster and hectic. You will feel that the atmosphere becomes very fast-paced, as if there are no time for you to even breathe!With noises produced by the factories, the sounds of the engine of the fast cars accelerating, you will definitely feel the differences between rural and urban cities.

Therefore, the atmosphere is totally different in urban and rural places. You will feel the major differences in the paces and the differences between the appearance,like the buildings etc.

For me, I would actually prefer rural places. I liked to be carefree and free of worries unlike the hectic life in city. I would also like to admire and enjoyed the beautiful,natural scenery.However, there are also good points about urban cities too. They are more organised and neater in the appearance.


  1. I agree totally to your opinion

  2. When I looked at this post , I got attracted by these two paragraphs "Basically, urbanisation is actually the change of a rural place/location to a more urban district.The changes can involved mainly the buildings, the pace and also the atmosphere, which is caused by the two factors listed above. In a rural place, there will probably be slums and wooden houses all around. When it's being changed to a urban place, the buildinds will probably be changed to skyscrapers, factories. There will also be vehicles like cars around too.

    When you arrived at a rural place, you will most probably feel very carefree as you will be surrounded by the flowers and trees.You will also be able to enjoyed the natural beauties, like the seawater, the mountains etc.However when urbanisation arrives, the pace will become much faster and hectic. You will feel that the atmosphere becomes very fast-paced, as if there are no time for you to even breathe!With noises produced by the factories, the sounds of the engine of the fast cars accelerating, you will definitely feel the differences between rural and urban cities."
    I liked these two paragraphs and I feel that this is a very detailed post
