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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lesson reflections

Today, we managed to cover the summary of the first 8 chapters of "Village By The Sea
".I think the handout is useful and detailed.It points out the significant events that happen in the chapter and briefly describe the other non-significant events that happen too.

The teacher also choose some volunteered pupils to read the summary and I think that's very useful.Through this activity, not only will we get a rough idea of the story, we also can practise to speak up and build our confidence.

Speaking of summary,we learnt the format to write a summary question a few lessons ago.Basically, we needed to find out what is the question asking for first.Next, we highlight the points in the passage before paraphrasing them.Lastly,we wrote the points into one paragraph and count the number of words written.

Our teacher also gave us some summary questions to practice.It is useful and as the saying goes,"Practice makes perfect",through the practice exercise,I more confidence in answering the summary questions now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked the part where you said "practice makes perfect" it really bonds all the points together but it is a little vague as you did not explain what we did in class specifically. There were a few mistakes in the post (mostly grammar)and in the last sentence, you forgot to add a 'now have' before the 'more confidence' part.On the overall, I feel that this post is quite accurate about what we learnt today in class.
