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Sunday, April 11, 2010

newspaper article -"Urbanisation Arrives in Thul."

Urbanisation arrives in Thul
Recently,government has arrived at the decision to built factories at a sleepy fishing rural village-Thul.The elders are apparently opposing to the idea but the young are supporting this idea instead.The elders disagree with this idea as they believed that that will mess up their normal life and also source of food.Why would that happened?It all relates back to the factories and the toxic waste they produced.The factories,as everyone knows,will produced poisonous and toxic waste,substances.To dispose of those waste,the factories will probably threw them into the sea along the shore of Thul.

After that happens,the fishes in the sea will also get poisoned and get killed due to water pollution.Fishermans are therefore not able to catch fishes which are all poisoned.Even if they catch a poisoned fish,they themselves will get poisoned if they consumed the fish.

Now,let's look at the young's views instead.They think that they will get jobs opportunities if the factories are built up.They can earn money then and can also help to make ends meet.They are also bored and sick of the normal everyday life-catch fish,eat,sleep.They wanted to do something new and interesting like having a job instead of wandering around uselessly.

However,will the government give jobs opportunities to those villagers who had exactly no idea of the machines and mechanics?Will they?In the end,we shall see if the elder's words or the young's words are wise...


  1. yours is much longer than mine and much more detailed and good. I always lose to you

  2. I feel that this article is a little like an interview rather than an article because of words like "Now,let's look at the young's views instead." This sentence seems like something you will say when you are at the scene and you are questioning people.Well, that is all.
