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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Diary of Hari ( The Village by the sea )

God...I need money desperately,really desperately.Father addicted to beer,mother sick,sisters need to go to school-all these are a burden to me when I thought of it.As a man,I must get a job to earn money to make ends meet.Ramu said that factories are going to be built up in our village and we can get job then.

However,now I think of it,we are just normal villagers who don't know anything about machines,mechanics etc.Would the people hired us?would they?Even if they would,when will the factory be built?When?By the time the factories are built up and we get our jobs,we will starved by then.I could not afford to wait till then.I decided to go to Bombay to look for jobs.There will sure to be jobs available for me and nobody is to stop me this time.I am going to get a job and bring my hard-earned money back,to cure my mother's illness and to buy rice and meat for us to eat.However,how am I able to go to Bombay?I did not have any money for my transportation.I think I need to wait for Biju and go to Bombay by his boat.Even if his is boastful,but he sometimes can really came into good use.

Now.let's hope that all will go smoothly according to my plan.Please...


  1. I noticed that you began your diary entry with 'God'. If so, then this should be a prayer. Usually diary entries start with: Dear Diary...

    I think that your content is quite good, as I also think th the family would be desperate for money at that point of time(in the beginning).

  2. I agree with what Justin has said and that the way you wrote it was very interesting and I think this is what Hari would have wrote.Overall the content is excellent however there are a few errors in this blog post.
