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Friday, January 29, 2010

Journal according to the police(lamb to the slaughter)

Dear diary,
Today is another tiring yet interesting day for me.I am in charge of investigating a new case that is not as simple as you think.A man was killed,but there was no relevant weapons found and we could not assumed his wife to be the killer as she had an alibi.We confirmed that the man was killed due to a heavy blow on his head,probably by a baseball bat or even some big stick.
The whole house,place where the man was killed,was in a chaos.The newspapers was flung all over the place,the table was overturned and it looked like an intruder messing up the house.He was maybe looking for money.At first,it seemed quite a normal murder case but as time passed,i sensed something amiss.
The wife,named Mary Maloney,behaved very weird.Maybe she was too shocked,but i don't think that was the case.She did not seem like telling me everything she knew and i felt that there was still something she was trying to hide from me.For a period of time,i suspected that she was the killer.Unfortunately i do not have any evidence and somemore she was a pregnant woman,which minimise the chances that she was the murderer.
At last, she even treated us to a lamb!I was famished and gobbled down the delicious food.Hold on.Speaking of the lamp now,it might be the weapon!It was huge and enough to cause a injury to someone!I must get back to the case now,as i had new evidence to say that Mary Maloney was the murderer.
Yours sincerely,
Sheng Xiang

1 comment:

  1. I think that the diary entry was quite realistic as the flow of thoughts went as the entry was written. However, for some parts of the story, it seemed like a third person's point of view more than a diary entry. But as a whole, this is quite an interesting piece of diary entry!
