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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Online Lesson - Expository Writing

In my opinion, I agree with the statement that "racial slurs should be illegal". When one discriminate's another race, they are violating human rights. It is another form of prejudice and the victim has all the rights to report the case. It also hurts the victim mentally and racial slurs should be illegal and banned.

I personally witnessed a case of racial slur before when I was in Primary school. One of my friend insulted his group member by calling him a "nigge*". When I first heard of it, I don't understand the meaning of the word. However, the matter was taken seriously when the victim report the incident to the teacher.
The teacher then explain to everybody the seriousness of the incident and that the possible consequences we may get if we were to continue discriminating when we grow up to the society. Though not all of us understand her words, we could sense the seriousness of the matter and in the end, the student that said the word got demerit points.
After I grow up, I slowly began to understand my teacher's words and her intention. She did not want us to get into trouble after committing all the stupid acts. Thus, from this incident, I learnt a lesson as a bystander that acts of discrimination should never be taken lightly as they are a form of insult to other race and it violates human rights. I also learnt that we should report cases of racial slurs when we witnessed one to prevent and stop all the discrimination in the current society.

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