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Thursday, August 11, 2011

London Police

I felt that the police should be fully accountable for their actions. They should even be put to death penalty if they could not explain for their action. This is because though they are police, they are not given the rights to shoot at the criminals without any specific reason. They are given the gun and permission to shoot under certain circumstances, or under serious threat that may brought about harm to their life, and not based on their feelings.

In the London case, the police had claimed that he was in imminent danger, but there was no concrete evidence that Duggan was armed or presented a threat. In this case, the police were just shooting based on their instincts that Duggan was armed, as it was not good enough a reason for the police to fire at him. If every police were to shoot based on their “instinct”, how gruesome and messy the world can be, with policemen shooting criminals based on their own feelings.

The police should be put to death penalty if they had no reason to back up their actions. They had killed a human life, and killing a human life based on their own instinct is not acceptable. In other words, it is equivalent to murder, the killing of someone, regardless who he is, without any reason. Therefore, the police should receive the same treatment as murderers, a death penalty.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I feel that police are law enforcements, the maintain law and order and ensure the world is peaceful. However if they do not do their duty and even do the opposite which is to break the law, they should receive double punishment. The police killed Duggan, an innocent man, without any reasons. As you mention, it is equivalent to murder. When it comes to murder, the consequences are not light, but if a police commit murder, they should definitely be sentence to death penalty. A person should never use "instinct" as an excuse for committing a mistakes because there is no hard proof to excuse you from the consequences. The best way is to think rationally before acting, no matter in what kind of situation we should still remain calm before acting.
