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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ameneh Bahrami

I would not have shown mercy to my attacker if I was Ameneh Bahrami. This was because the harm inflicted to me was far too great, and this will also serve as a warning to others.

The attacker had blinded and disfigured me, and the harm I get was too great. This was because I was still single, and with that disfigured face, I cannot possibly get a husband anymore. Thus, I may have to stay single for the rest of my life, and it ruins my future. With the blinded eyes, everything is of inconvenience to me, as I have to learn carry on with my life with my blinded eyes. One of the examples is to get a walking stick whenever I go. It will also burden my family members as sometimes they have to be beside me, for example when I cross the road. Lastly, I would not be able to see things anymore, not able to appreciate art works etc. All this caused so much inconvenience, that whenever I had to go an extra mile, I would never forget my attacker. Thus, I would never forgive him for his cruel means that brought all the darkness to my life.

It can also serve as a warning to other attackers in the world that might have the same tricks up their sleeves. After seeing this trial, they would become more cautious and rethink about their actions to prevent themselves form ending up in the same state as my attacker. Thus, there might be less victims in the world.

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