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Monday, June 27, 2011

Should same-sex marriage be allowed?

Same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore government even in the future. This is because same-sex marriage does not inflict harm or damage to the people, or cause instability in the society or country. Same-sex marriage could also increase child adoptions. Last but not least, same-sex marriage is becoming more and more common and people are slowly accepting them.

Same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore government even in the future. This is because same-sex marriage does not bring about damage or harm to other people not involved in the marriage. Also, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew once said that even if there were homosexuals in the Parliament, so long as they does their work and look after their constituents, it is their private life. Thus, it suggests that even if same-sex marriage is allowed, so long as people carry on with their assigned task and do not hurt others, it would be fine with all other people. Marriage is a commitment within two parties and is no other’s business. Therefore, same-sex marriage will be allowed as it does not bring about other’s danger and cause harm to others.

Same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore government even in the future. This is because it will increase child adoption, since according to Section 377A of the Penal Code, sex between two men is an offence. However, even so, there will still be a desire between same-sex couples to have a family. Therefore, there would be a higher rate of child adoption, and it gives more children a chance to experience what it is like to be a part of a family. They would have a proper family sheltered by love, warmth and joy. Therefore, same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore government as it could aid in increasing the child adoption rate and bring joy and hopes to more children, also known to bring wealth to the country in the future.

Last but not least, same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore government even in the future because it has become more common and many people were slowly willing to change their mind set and accept them into the society. This is because the homosexuals also do not want this, but they are born in that way which cannot be helped, therefore, more and more people were accepting them. As such, same-sex marriage is legally recognised in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. Thus, Singapore government will accept same-sex marriage in the future as the society is beginning to welcome and accept them.

In conclusion, same-sex marriage will be allowed by Singapore Government in the future as it can promote child adoption. It also does not inflict any form of harm on others and the society is slowly accepting it as well.

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