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Monday, May 9, 2011

Diary of a Soldier (Not wimpy kid)

Dear Diary,

Today was another tiring day for me, especially against the fully-armored Japanese soldier. Yes, today, I just get involved in World War II, and the feeling is worse than what I can imagine.

The British army just got heavily injured and got their loots heavily stolen during the battle at the forest. It was exhausting and really tiring. During normal trainings, we learnt how to cock and reload the weapon. But, there’s absolutely no time for that! My ally attempt to reload, and before he even pull the charging handle, “Boom!” , there goes my best field mate.

I was really appalled by what I saw today. It’s only the first day and I’m heavily demoralized. I managed to survive not because I was the fastest man in reloading, though I doubt even the fastest man could not dart the Japanese’s “teleporting bullets”. I admit I only care for myself, and not Singapore, but who cares? We these rookies are sent here to defend, while all the experienced generals fought for our “real country” back at Europe.

I got injured, a bullet so lucky enough to hit my leg, the only part of my body the small tree could not cover. Yet, the Japanese were all well-known in their strategies and accuracy, one hit KO. We only win in terms of army force and the strength. Our weapons were so inferior when compared to the Japanese, and I’m surprised too. Our zero fighter planes were useless when against the Japanese high-technology planes. Our anti-tanks weapons were also outdated.

All in all, I had a shock of my life. I though our army was strongest, the best until today. However, I accidentally heard my general spoke to the newspaper company to publish news that we had won in today’s battle. I smirked when I heard that, till this point, my general was still asking for face and so arrogant. I really wonder what the citizens would do when they found out what we have done. Utter disgrace. Really.

I’m tired. Super tired. I end my entry today, with a sense of unwilling, I don’t know why, perhaps this might be my last entry? I’m really uncertain about my battle tomorrow, really hope the tables will turn. Good luck, not only myself, but to the British army, including those in Europe.

Yours Sincerely,

A weak and injured Sheng Xiang

PS. I wonder what will the future history textbooks wrote about us, just curious.

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