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Friday, February 19, 2010

Conversation between two liars

Peter-Hi Jake!Long time no see!
Jake-Ah,I'm quite busy nowadays you know.
Peter-Busy with what?You are always doing nothing.
Jake-Come on,how dare you looked down on me?To tell you the truth,i'm in a big business now,earning big bucks!
Peter-Really?Then why are your clothes so torn and tattered?
Jake-I'm living in a mansion,driving a Ferrari,you have not seen my wealth yet.
Peter-All right,speaking of rich,actually i just won lottery a few hours ago.Few millions in a go!Come on tell me where you lived,maybe i will move to the mansion besides yours.
Jake-Better not,because my adress is confidential.
Peter-Oh really?That's so unusual of you.
Jake-I'm hungry now,you just said you won lottery?
Peter-Ya why?
Jake-Treat me to a sumptuous meal la,I'm famished.
Peter-maybe next time,i had just deposit my money in the bank nearby.
Jake-There's no bank here!
Peter-Oh i forgot,it's a few streets away.I got to go.Happy New Year,maybe i will visit your mansion one day.
Jake-All right,but please call me first before visiting,I need to be informed.


  1. The dialouge is quite interesting and funny. It is also quite realistic. As in times today everyone wants face and will boast about themself or even say some things about themselves which is not neccessary true. As they want people to think highly of them.So to conclude I like the dialouge very much.

  2. I think the dialouge is well organized and the people are professional liars. The lies are very true in the economic sitution we are in, people hates to lose face and then would come up with lots of lies to show that they are better than their friends.

  3. I think that the dialouge is funny and both of them are really good liars.They are very boastful, they want face and also want the other person to envy him.The part I liked the most is the part where Jake wants peter to treat him a meal,but peter refuses.This shows that Peter is lying but Jake is smart to make use of peter's lying in oder to get a free meal.

  4. I think that the dialogue is realistic and funny.People nowadays like to boast about how rich they are.But I found a grammar mistake in your dialogue.When Peter says that he might visit Jake's mansion,you wrote "your" as "you".

  5. cool and humorous.you are a good writer
