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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Poem Analysis-Snapshotland

Step 2
Things that the title suggests to me:
-An island
-Involving guns

Step 4
The poem focuses on the happy atmosphere in the beach,and that the people in the photos are enjoying themselves tremendously.
Interesting phrases:permanent delight of passengers,pleasure-boat,promised land,nobody dies,happy all the time,buckets in crisp,gingham pinafores,bonnets on the sea-shore,smile and smile and smile.

Step 5
Personification:smooth sand,pleasure boat,old-fashioned gardens
Alliteration:The and Time,Smooth and sand,Sun and Shine,Stop and Smiling,sandboys and sandgirls and sepia.
Assonance:Lavender and Ever,Right and Sight.
Symbolism:The vacation at the beach symbolises happiness and relaxing mood.The sepia photo symbolises aging and also tradition.

Step 6
"Smooth sand","sun shines all day long","sandboys and sandgirls","on the sea-shore" and "on the beach" all suggest that the location is on a beach.

Step 7
They all describe the settings of the location.

Step 8
The poem may be talking about photos that are taken at a beach as proved by the dolphins and boat at the sea.It proves that the poet is writing about photos as everything freezes,does not move and never dies.
Step 9
a)An unidentified speaker.
b)It's for those people that appreciate photos and understand the importance of them.
c)It's very carefree,relaxing and soothing.
d)He is being very friendly and open to the audiences.
e)The poem is organised in this way such that a stanza describes and focus on one theme,for example the third stanza is describing about delightment of lovers.
f)It is to help in the description of the importance and the characteristic of photos.

Step 10
The poet is trying to encourage people to appreciate photos that are taken as they can bring to us happiness when we look at the photos.It also encourage people to take good care of our photos as they could bring us fond memories and it can last forever.


  1. I believe Sheng Xiang is very well-detailed, however even a very well-detailed one can have some flaws. The following shows some flaws in your description:
    1) There are grammatical errors(eg. audiences, no capital for the beginning of some sentences)
    2)wrong words used(eg. enjoyed myself tremendously.
    and finally
    3) You should not put NIL, it is informal and I suggest that you only state those that are present in the poem.

  2. This is a very good poem analysis, which clearly describes how does the poem "looks like" actually. Some personal feelings was weaved in as well.
